Monday 20 September 2010

Summer brief

Over summer we were asked to create an alphabet that was individual to us. I took the approach of taking a word beginning with each letter of the alphabet and trying to give it some kind of personal meaning. This shows my full alphabet created using images cropped with type, hand rendering and also stencil using a typewriter. All done in uppercase arial black.


  1. -Definitely quality typewriting skills, which was a really original idea and i'm sure tedious thing to do.

    I can really see what it is you're interested in without having it explained to me, so good communication there.

    My only criticism would be perhaps to make it more consistent by maybe focusing on the typewriting concept?

    But in all i really like it.

  2. loved the detail and time put into this alphabet!
    you must be very patient!
    it was visually very good, graphic and clean.
    the only thing i would say is a little more variation in ideas.
    my favourate letters were the Z and the radio head R,
    as they were a little different and gave slight colour to the overall look.
