Thursday 17 November 2011

Advert / print ideas.

Initial ideas looking at the placement of a vector image I created incorporating hexagons and my logo, I think it looks a little overpowering in these though due to the scale and bright cyan.

 I then looked at working type into the image, so that it may be more recognisable as an advert and would link more easily to my brand when thinking about my target audience.

 Here I looked at knocking back the bright blue to see the effect it had on the logos impact. when using this style on the logo it almost completely dissapeared so I looked at keeping the logo clear... but I don't like these at all.

 Left is an example of one which I think works much better, although the cyan is still just as bright, the type seems to draw the eye upwards, giving the image a little more prominence. On the right, I was looking at using the logo as the focal point. Grayscaling the image made it sit better when placed in as an overlay layer.

 Looking at applying the one hexagon design that I thought worked to a contrasty grayscale image. I think this one also works well. On the right I looked at a cyan monotone, to try and link in the colours from the branding, however I think it's a little harsh. It may work if I were trying to burn the image onto peoples retinas.

 Trying a darker blue to give a less harsh appearance which I thinks quite well. Not sure about the combination with the orange on the left though, so worked with the logo on it's own in the same blue as the background to keep it as simple as possible.

 A cyan overprint and more variations of the deep blue logo applied solely onto the image.

 Looking at applying type to the layout again, this time in the form of a slogan, and also on the right, an overlay layer, which seems to give the image behind it a very crisp appearance, it seems to up the contrast a little.

 Again applying text in a similar vane, not sure still that the combination of this deep blue and bright orange really work with long paragraphs of text. Perhaps it is the image underneath giving varying values of the blue that makes the orange difficult to read.

Back to grayscale, and logo really simply at the placement of the logo with text. I quite like these and I think with the logo being such a bold image it is best to use it as simply as possible, especially when combining it with a photograph.

 Moving away from the photograph due to the complicated imagery that it creates and looking simply at the logo in it's original cyan, against the deeper blue, with orange type, in the form of a quote. The orange works much better against the blue when it is a flat colour. also thinking about the possibility of a flat orange foil block or screen printing the orange text because I'd quite like to work with a cyan stock and flood blue backdrop.

 Looking at gradients as it's something I tried when working with variations for my product manual cover and I think they work well at giving a really eye-catching cover. Some of the gradients however I don't feel work very well, but as a test it is worth a look. Much prefer the magenta - yellow gradient as it seems to compliment the blue background much better.

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