Saturday, 1 December 2012

Sf 2013 - book binding

With the a good idea in place of how we wanted to bind the final book and the number that we wanted in our range we went down to Vernon street to bind a series of dummies. These would improve our binding technique so that when it came to the final book we were confindent we could make it as good as possible. It also meant that we then had all the books we needed for our range, each would then just need a separate embossed cover and wrap

The process starts with measuring, choosing the size we wanted the guide, then using this measurement to define where to stitch along the spine.
To strengthen the bind we used cotton tape, taping it to the desk meant that it stayed fixed in position. We could then stitch over it, which pulls it tight to the spine, when it is glued it goes quite stiff because of the gaps in the tape holding glue.

The bind from the inside of the pages

Once all 6 were stitched we then places them in these clamps and glued down the spine this further strengthens the bind and also gives a gloss finish.

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