Sunday, 2 December 2012

Standards posters - Folding

The printed A2 poster fresh from the print room ready to be folded into the book format, which in this case will be A5. 

The first fold is all the way down the middle splitting he page into 2 length ways. The poster side is on the inside here.

It is then folded again in the middle, revealing all the inside pages. These are then folded again, with the end of the page folded towards the edge of the page that's already been folded. This creates a booklet like fold with four inner page.

When these two pages are folded together they will be inside the bind, however when the bind is opened they will be revealed along with the poster on the other side. There are a number of ways that these pages can fold and be looked at, which I think is an effective way to make it more interesting.

2 of the finished A2 pages folded and ready to be bound along with the posters of varying formats to create the finished book.

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