Sunday 9 October 2011

Good is feeling that you can do anything...

A seminar on concept development then encouraged us to think about every aspect of our good.
During the seminar we quickly thought of five for each of these questions, however I have added to this after the seminar in order to have exhaustive lists so I can best define my good.

What makes it good?
-gives you ambition
-gives you confidence
-allows you to go into things without fear
-helps you try things others think are impossible
-feeling is similar to that gained from other, 'good' things
-means you can show off

Who finds it good?
-anyone with feelings
-sportsmen & women
-extreme sportsmen & women
-racing drivers

Who wouldn't find it good? 
-any thing or being that didn't understand it
-people of a nervous disposition
-medical professionals
-risk assessors
-the family & loved ones
-the co-driver
-the skateboard
-the cameraman

What is it better than? 
-being awfully sad
-being afraid to try new things
-feeling you can't do anything
-being lazy
-being punched directly in the face
-fouling yourself
-human achievement in space

If it were a profession?
-extreme sports person
-something extreme
-sky diver
-mad scientist

if it were a celebrity?
-Phileas Fogg
-Stephen Hawkins
-Ranulph Fiennes
-Tony Hawks
-Muhammad Ali
-Ellen MacArthur
-Harry Houdini

If it were an event?
-rat race
-round the world boat race
-Dakar rally
-66' World Cup
-Final Battle in Lord of the Rings
-space shuttle launch
-zero gravity
-Re entry

If it were a product?
-toy lion
-energy drink
-3D tv
-first camera
-first phone
-racing car

If it were a place?
-Las Vegas
-Blackpool pleasure beach
-A top mount everest

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