Friday 30 November 2012

Standards Posters - change of brief!

 Pretty drastic change of idea from 'standards' as a general term to a much more focused term which relates more closely to my dissertation topic and research. Swiss Graphic design standards, this should also make the posters I'm creating more relevant as opposed to the really random outcomes previously achieved.
A list of possible standards within Swiss Graphic design that I could use. 

Ideas for various posters, the first for standard paper sizes, looking at overlaying tones with the dimensions of different paper sizes, and off setting them to give a much different outcome to what people expect from a paper size diagram.

The second examples are for standard typefaces of Swiss Graphic design. Not sure about these particular sketches though as they seem a little too plain. nothing much to them.

These final sketches are of another standards poster based on structured information, I went for a simple approach using the letters of the word structure, or structured, in a fairly tight grid but places in a manor that is based more on aesthetic. Think with work this could be really effective.

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